Wednesday, February 11, 2009


No one sits you down and tells you "marriage is going to be really hard." Usually you get into it when you're all googoo gaagaa, starry eyed, in love - and then later you learn the reality. No one tells you "it's going to be a lot of work" (or if they do tell you, you're not listening).
What I've learned in our 15 years of wedded bliss (and wedded work) is that yes it is hard, yes it is a lot of work, and yes it is so worth it to hang in there and do the hard work - because what you get from all of that is such a rewarding, deep, meaningful union that wouldn't be the same if you hadn't gone through all the trials and tribulations to get there.
Wow. So there you have it, if you didn't already know this, now you do.
I have pushed my husband beyond the limits and together we have bent, molded, stretched, transformed, and roared down the highway of life. I am so in love with my husband because of this and feel incredibly fortunate to have such a precious thing to be a part of. A smile comes across my face and I can feel the sparkle behind my eyes just thinking about it now.
I wish the same for you.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

So Far So Good

Well, I've done some exercise, some yoga, some eating well, some trying to be a good family/friend, some laughing, and some looking forward to things in the future - but no pleasure reading - I guess I'm mostly headed in the right direction.
I'm still scared to death about more ivf but feel hopeful that the possibility of a child is at my fingertips. I probably need to quit analyzing and just leap.
I realized I never updated everyone on the fact that my big, nasty (that made me think of the person I know called "Big Nasty", which is not really a good thought) foot wart is finally GONE!! I took the pictures off my blog because I figured they had scared everyone enough.
I'm planning a garden (not sure whether small or large) for this summer and planning out what I want to plant - definitely basil. I'd like to grow tomatos but I never have luck with them.
I'm looking forward to some good New Mexico red chile and green chile next weekend when I make food for Scott's going away party (green rice and carne adovada).
Justin is riding his bicycle, with friends, from Athens home to Macon next Friday (88 or so miles) and we're starting to plan for our annual Macon/Athens Twilight Century bike ride in April. Also, Justin is preparing for his study abroad in Australia and Fiji in May/June (poor fella).
I love you all very much - thanks for traveling with me on my journey!