Sunday, April 6, 2008

That Just Happened!

Okay folks, it's done. It was just like getting on a bike after years of being off, that needle slid right in. Justin said I did it extra slowly. I told him (My Personal Pharmacist) that he needed to be present, you know to observe the patient in case they fall out, and he carried out his duties well.
I want to send a special shout out of encouargement and support to my friend, JBS, who is playing her own waiting game. I think about you every day, totally understand what you must be feeling/thinking every minute - and I am always sending positive vibes your way!
I also feel the need to shout out to Warren and Diana, the Brady Bunch (Andrew, Hayley, Owen, Ethan) and my Mom whom are all moving Warren & Bunch into their new house in Albuquerque this weekend. I'm sorry I can't be there to help (but my foot is glad).
And thanks to Amy (a professional blogger) for the TA on getting my site up and running. You're the bomb!
I'm kind of bummed I can't walk. It would be good for both physical and mental state of being. For those of you who haven't seen "the foot", I had a laser procedure done on the bottom of my foot and underestimated the after effects. It's basically a raw, bloody, now scabbing over crater in my foot. It's so disgusting you can't stop looking at it and thinking how gross it is. It's certainly cramped my style. I would post pictures of it if I didn't think it might keep people from visiting me here. But, the whole point of the having the procedure is to get the problem taken care of before I am pregnant, so thinking positive thoughts and assuming that I'm pregnant in the near future, then it's all well worth it.
Even though today is Day 1, there will be another Day 1, that's more official in the IVF world. They start counting (Day of Cycle/DOC) when you start your stimulation meds. Last time I had my last FSH shot on DOC 10 and my egg retrieval procedure on DOC 12. This time the Dr. projects she'll let me go (take more meds) a day longer. So, when I start talking DOC, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Have a good Sunday!


Amy said...

Hallelujah on getting that thing on your foot taken off..and you are TOTALLY correct in the assumption that we don't want to see it :)

And congrats on sticking yourself (too bad they don't make a greeting card for that!)

Dallas said...

I read your three entries backwards just now--your email ended up in my junk box. Sorry. But I am all caught up now, and I love the idea of blogging. I am sure there is so much to say/think about, and this blog will help you in two ways (I predict): (1) of course you will get out what you want/need to get out; and (2) you will get less repetitive questions from the blog readers.

I laughed out loud from my desk about the part about your foot! I would still visit even if there was a picture of your foot; in fact, I might visit MORE often!

Diana said...

Hey Sandra! I admire your courage, your good attitude and your determination to get it done! From a parent of the Brady Bunch I hope for one and not six, but you'll be a great mom and Justin will be a great dad.