Friday, August 1, 2008

Deep thoughts with Sandra

I wish I had something more exciting to report on the IVF front. I shoot Lupron, do the same the next day, and the same the next, etc., etc. I'm just thankful to have the opportunity . . .
Today was humbling, once again I visited my friend N. He is in a rehab facility recovering from a diabetic coma. He's young, married, expecting his first child. He's gone from a normal fully functioning guy to being incapacitated - lucky to be alive and learning to walk, talk, all the basics. Wow - I am still profoundly affected by my recent losses and the sadness is very present, BUT out of all this mess also comes a powerful appreciation for just being alive and having your basic needs met, appreciating the simple things, being more aware of what is good. I'm trying my best to remind myself of this when I am uptight about things that really don't matter; and instead, bring joy to myself and those around me. Cynthia (aka Flaca Loca) turned me onto "Be the change you want to see in the word" (Ghandi) and I want to share it with you. Make the most of all your moments!

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