Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lupron report

One shot of lupron every morning - so far so good. Suppression check in Atl on Tuesday. Order the really expensive drugs on Monday(ish). I still get chicken, freak out, think "what the hell am I doing" and consider backing out every so often. I'm having fun dreaming about the future - I just hope I get to dream for a long time (9 months or so). It's warm here and heavenly to sit outside - we've been having fires in the chiminea outside even though it's almost too hot. I'm loving my free yoga class with my favorite instructor. Justin's home for spring break - a mini honeymoon. That's all that's new to report.


Mama Hunt said...

I know it's easy to say to be happy and enjoy the ride because what if it doesn't work out. But, what seems better - enjoy the experience while it's happening or sit around and wait for unhappiness. I can tell myself that it's better to enjoy the experience regardless of the outcome but it's not easy to do. I'm an expert at that! It's like being afraid to enjoy ANYTHING because what if the ending is bad. Reason tells me that it's better to enjoy and risk being disappointed than to be unhappy continuously waiting for an unhappy ending. The more I talk the messier it gets. And here I thought that when I got to be 'old' I'd have everything figured out. I can totally empathize with you Sandra! And I'm so proud of you for being open to the possibilities. I love you, Mom

Dallas said...
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Dallas said...

That was a fantastic analysis, and I understood it completely. I was moved by Mama Hunt's words, and I think you should do what she says. :)