Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nickname help

We have decided to officially give Baby Girl Gardner a nickname (one for while I'm pregnant).
We'd appreciate your help - please send me your nickname suggestions.
Our friend, Miller, suggested Miller except he means it as a real name (he says pronounce it with an A sound on the end, for a girl - go figure), but we'll add it to the nickname list. And I don't like peanut, it's cliche. Justin keeps calling her Sandra, Jr. but it doesn't roll off the tongue.
I'm looking for something cute and spunky.
Thanks in advance!


Amy said...

"Amy" is always cute AND spunky!

I don't like GG because that's what we call my grandma (but she's not your grandma, so of course you reserve the right to call her whatever rolls off your tongue).

Ok, I really like Gum Drop...or maybe it's just that I like gum drops...any how, I found this website...maybe it will help in your search

dh said...

I think you should go with something relating to Wesleyan. Soong comes to mind.

Dallas said...

I still like baby G--what I've been using all along.

Mama Hunt said...

I really like the G-G or Baby G but let me think..............
How about something with a Spanish flair (sp?) like Dulce - well, I was desperate.

Is there a feminine version of Cletus the Fetus?

Boo? Babie Boo? Wiggle Worm?

I'm back to G-G or Baby G.