Holy cow I'm 32 weeks!! My friend, Rebecca, made this 32 out of brownie for me. It looked great (I almost hated to eat it) and tasted wonderful! It's the coolest thing. I ate the entire 3 (after my doctor's appointment and weigh in and now have killer indigestion but it was well worth it). Thanks Rebecca!!
I went to the doctor today for what I thought was a routine appointment. It turns out that the perinatologist wants the following to happen (which I found out about today): extra monitoring for baby's movement and heart tones to include an ultrasound at 34 weeks and weekly non-stress test monitoring beginning at 34 weeks and not allow me to go full-term. Apparently, because of having a previous abruption, there's an increased risk in future pregnancies. So, they won't let me go past 39 weeks (or deliver sooner if problems with the ultrasound or non-stress tests). Wow - I was quite surprised.
And our hospital has implemented a policy of basically no visitors because of the flu. I think I'm getting gypped, I've waited all this time for the baby and no big party with visitors at the hospital - but I know it's better safe than sorry, so I'll suck it up.
They can't stop helicopter paparazzi.
Happy 32 weeks!!!
I think you are getting gypped too but just think of all the treats people can now bring to you at home. Can't wait to hear the good news and just think in less than 7 weeks, Marley will be here!!
Seriously?? That is a rip-off! I'd ask them for some of my deductible back :)
Happy 32 Weeks!!!! Such a sweet number :)
Happy 32 weeks. I hope you are celebrating it up right and brownies seem to do the trick.
Happy 32 weeks! I had to go in for LOTS of monitoring, ultrasounds, tests etc and it actually made me feel a lot better. Nice to see the boys so often, nice to know that things were progressing nicely, good peace of mind.
And instead of visitors, load up on free stuff from the hospital!!! ha ha! Diapers, wipes, onesies, formula (give to others if you don't use it), etc. We packed our car to the brim!!
LOVE the belly pic!
Rebecca is so sweet and thoughtful to make such special brownies! YAY Rebecca! I am disappointed about the hospital thing--maybe Rebecca's mom can sneak us in if Rebecca makes HER some 32 brownies! Can you ask for a ground-floor room so you can wave through the windows?
I have rethought the helicopter option. I will be investigating the hot air balloon viewing option.
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