Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby Marley better turn

I had a non-stress test today and saw my doctor. The test results were great. He said it wasn't likely she would turn head down, but possible. He won't do the turning procedure (whatever you call that) because I previously had an abruption. If she doesn't turn, he wants to deliver/c-section at 38 weeks. I really, really do not want a c-section but will be ok if that's the only choice. I'll have non-stress tests weekly and ultrasounds every 2 weeks.
The current project is trying to find an awesome dresser for Marley's room.


Dallas said...

Get Justin to build a dresser. He seems pretty handy--he did a good job on Max's ramp.

Barb said...

I have done both and to be honest c-sections aren't that bad. You just have to take it easy and have everybody wait on you hand and foot!

So excited for you to meet your sweet baby girl. Can't wait for Suzanne to call me.