Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Huckleberry Hound Dog

I am feeling like a bad parent because I haven't been showing off our new dog, a basset, to the world - Huckleberry Hound Dog. You can see his picture on the bottom right of my blog. We got him from a shelter and he had every kind of worm and a bad cold/cough. I think he's finally figured out we are good folks and he is safe and okay. He's one lucky dog to be joining the Gardner family. He's fitting right in, loves to play, and he is doing his job which is to play with Rufus.
I'm coming up on the one year anniversary of losing the baby and my Dad but I seem to be doing okay.
I hope you all are well!


Amy said...

I'm glad to see you are blogging...and showing off the new dog in the house. He is a cutey!

We'll be thinking about you ALOT over the next month!

Becca said...

I am glad to see you sharing your news with us again! I missed reading your updates.
These kind of anniversaries suck but they do get more bearable with time. My advice: treat these anniversaries like you would any other…celebrate the wonderful experiences you did have and vow to remember them forever…then have a good cry.
I can’t wait to see the new doggie playing freely in the yard!

Tristan said...

I dread the 1 year mark..although it is LONG off :( So sorry for your loss.

Just wanted to let you know I have a pot-bellied pig named Huckleberry!