Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GREAT report at 28 wk ultrasound

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been long time no see.
I saw the perinatologist today for my 28 week ultrasound and got a great report. He thinks everything is normal and fine. I don't need to see him anymore and he says I'm "like a regular pregnant woman now." What a huge relief (again).
The baby is 2 pounds 12 ounces, slightly on the big side.
I'm still taking the daily blood thinner (Arixtra) injections and having my TSH/thyroid level checked every 6 weeks (last time was the first time my medication dose has not gone up). Practically a full tune up every month.
I had my glucose test on Monday and haven't heard anything from them so I'm assuming it's fine until I talk to them.
I have been polling all my friends and coworkers (thanks everyone!) about which baby items to buy and I am getting great advice. I actually have registered at Babies R Us and Target.
My mother-in-law and I went to look at fabric, picked out a general theme, and she is going to make the comforter, dust ruffle and some sheets. I'm thinking pink with brown polka dots (with brown w/ pink polka dot trim?) and some stripes for the dust ruffle
I have been told I need to post a new picture, so I will do so this weekend.
I can't ask for anything better . . . I'm on my way! This might actually happen!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Preggo times two

Here's a picture of me and my friend, Justice. I'm 26 weeks and she's 30 weeks. A Thanksgiving baby and a Christmas baby. She's having a girl, to be named Halle. She's had an awful time with being sick and feeling badly during her pregnancy so I can't complain at all!
My ticker has officially turned over to 99 days left - I just can't believe it. I keep pinching myself to make sure it's real - and then I get scared talking about it too much so I won't jinx myself. My glucose test is 9/28 and my 28 week ulrasound with the perinatologist is 9/30. Party on Baby GG!

Monday, September 7, 2009

25 week picture

Here it is folks . . the belly (and the rest) at 25 weeks.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Checking in

Hi everybody! I've been checked out of blog land for a while. Everything is going well. I'm almost 25 weeks (and keeping my fingers crossed). Justin found out this week that he got assigned Macon for his last year of pharmacy school - so we'll actually be living together again - yippee!! My Mom, Sister and Aunt were here last week and we had a great time! Our dog ramp and new dog door are working perfectly. Hope you all are well!