Sunday, September 13, 2009

Preggo times two

Here's a picture of me and my friend, Justice. I'm 26 weeks and she's 30 weeks. A Thanksgiving baby and a Christmas baby. She's having a girl, to be named Halle. She's had an awful time with being sick and feeling badly during her pregnancy so I can't complain at all!
My ticker has officially turned over to 99 days left - I just can't believe it. I keep pinching myself to make sure it's real - and then I get scared talking about it too much so I won't jinx myself. My glucose test is 9/28 and my 28 week ulrasound with the perinatologist is 9/30. Party on Baby GG!


HeatherV said...

Beautiful pic and what fun to be prego with a girlfriend at the same time. Is she having a girl or boy?

Sending you tons of continued good vibes for the last 99 days.

bb said...

Beautiful belly!!!