Monday, December 28, 2009

Long overdue update

This is Marley in her Santa outfit.
And a picture of our friends Scott/Jennifer's baby, Halle. She was born 3 weeks before Marley and looks huge in comparison.

Holy cow - I meant to post a very long time ago but I guess it goes without saying that I've been absorbed in baby feeding, diapering, pumping, etc. The days all blur together (I know I'm preaching to the choir for the moms out there).
Where to start . . .
I got pitocin at 4:30am, OB broke my water at 8am, started having pain right away, got epidural at 8:15am and started pushing at 8:30am.
The delivery was quick but ended kind of ugly because Marley was face up (and slightly turned to the side) and got stuck on my pelvic bone. I pushed and pushed (the epidural didn't take on part of my right side and then wore off after pushing for some time) and finally the OB asked if I wanted a c-section or the forceps. He used the forceps and it hurt like hell but she was out in less than minute and it was much better than the constant pain of trying to push her out when she was stuck. It took him an hour to stitch me up and then my stitches broke about 4 days later. OB said it was better to let it heal on it's own (greater risk of infection if you re-stitch).
Marley has not been gaining weight (she's still below birth weight) so I've been supplementing every feeding with breast milk or formula and feeding and pumping every 3 hours.
I've got some hormonal weepiness but am not sure it's baby blues. This is so hard and so good at the same time.
Thanks for everyones support and all your good wishes! Sometimes I still can't believe Marley is real and here - pure blisss!


Amy said...

I wish I had some words of wisdom for the weepiness or the low birth weight, but I'm 0 for 0 on both topics. I'm sure all those moms that read your blog will have the right answer!

Love the Santa suit! She is such a cutey and the pic of you and Justice and the babies is too cute!

HeatherV said...

I love birth stories so it is great to hear of Marley's birthday.

Good to hear you are well and the best part of your day is smiling into her sweet, sweet face.

Happy 2010 to your family.

As far as the weepiness, so very normal but good to also note it fails to dissipate in the next weeks. The weeks after Ben came home I looked foward to other adult contact more than anything just to keep my sanity.

bb said...

Oh my, those first few weeks as a brand new mom are ridiculously hard!!!! Just know that you are doing great and I'll bet that you will look back on these weeks and months and know that this is, indeed, a wonderful time.

Dallas said...

Keep on truckin'! You are doing fabulously!

Barb said...

I agree - the hormones flux for at least 6 weeks after baby comes. Hoping it smoothes out soon, just get as much rest as possible, sleep when she sleeps and don't worry about the house. It will always be there.