Saturday, April 4, 2009

Crazy - you're not going to believe this

This has been the craziest 24+ hours. On Friday we had no normal embryos, on Saturday we went in at the last minute for a transfer (which is probably a slim chance).

My doctor called me Friday afternoon to say that none of my 9 embryos were normal, that's it, the end, done. I was in shock. What a kick in the gut. Then I went home to figure out how to figure out the rest of my life.
This morning about 9:30, my phone rang and it was my doc's office. I wasn't going to answer, I thought they were calling me by mistake. Long story short, the embryologist explained (twice, once for me then again on speakerphone with Justin) that two embryos' abnormality was a monosomy (had only 1 chromosome instead of 2) but were growing nicely (looked good) and 1) the test could be wrong, and 2) it was possible that only 1 cell was not normal - the others could be normal.
So, we hurried to get ready, picked up my friend, Julie, (whose job it was to keep Justin from killing the doctor et al) and hurried to Atlanta.
We transferred 2 embryos and now we wait. I still might have a heart attack. It's hard to know whether to be hopeful or pragmatic. But I'm thankful for the chance . . .


LauraC said...

That is heartbreaking that they would call you and tell you it is over! Good luck with the second, I am thinking very good thoughts for you!!

Barb said...

Praying for you

Pegs said...

I am hoping the best for you! A

Always thinking of you!!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness! What a crazy story! Glad you did get to transfer! Praying for you and your embies!