Monday, April 27, 2009


Is there a saying that two is better than one?
Holy cow! I'm pregnant with twins. I'm just absolutely amazed and very much in shock. I had my first ultrasound today. We saw and heard heart beats and they measure right at 6 weeks. So far so good.
We have a long way to go and I'm still scared but wow I'm pregnant with twins right now!


LauraC said...


This is so exciting, I can barely contain myself! Baby dust to you these next 8 months! And hey I know lots of twin resources :)

Now the assvice starts... go out and buy Dr Barbara Luke's book When You're Expecting Twins. Triplets or Quads. It is the best multiple pregnancy book out there and contains some amazing nutrition advice.

In the meantime, enjoy seeing those two little babies on the ultrasound!! Grow little babies grow!

Dallas said...

I cannot tell you how excited I am for you! Grow Baby A and Baby B!

Barb said...

Yipee Sandra!! I am so excited for you. Praying for you, Justin and your babies.

bb said...


Nicole S. said...

Found you from LauraC's page - CONGRATS!! I got my b/g twins from IVF and while they are kicking my ass right now, I have to say, its aweosme having two little ones.

shiner said...

How wonderful~ wow! WHOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO! I know it is early but I am very excited for you. I'll keep all three of you in my prayers...but you are on your way!;o> (((((hugs))))

HeatherV said...

LauraC just told me your fabulous, awesome news!!! Congrats!!!

I went back and read some of your posts and am espcially interested in your decision to do PGD.

I posted back in March to one of your older posts when you were first staring this cycle. We had planned to do an all injectable IUI but the cycle was canceled and we are now moving on to a first round of IVF with a start date of June 8th.

I am sending you SUCH good thoughts. May goodness and light surround you in the days and months ahead.