Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Moving on

I'm assuming I'm not pregnant and moving on with figuring out my life without kids.
Sometimes I feel like curling up in a ball and staying that way and sometimes I can see a glimmer of hope for a new future. I know I will be okay - the key is figuring out how to get there.

I really appreciate everyone's support - you have been great - thank you from the bottom of my heart!


LauraC said...

I keep thinking about you. My thoughts are with you during this time. I hope you find the support you need.

Tara said...

I wish you all the best.

If it helps at all, there is a book called, "Sweet Grapes: How to stop being infertile and start living again"

Maybe it will give you some direction and help bring you some peace.

Barb said...

Thinking of you and Justin, while wishing I could do something to make it easier for you.

Dallas said...

You WILL be okay. I see a glimmer of hope for you, too. It may be for what you had planned, or maybe it's something different. Either way, the glimmer is still there. You have a lot of people supporting you, and I am always here to help you with whatever you want, need, don't want, or don't need. You can make it to that place where you are okay.

Julia said...

As diappointing as this is, I know the two of will have a bright future.

I wish you all the best.