Saturday, June 20, 2009

Battle Scars

My belly is not liking the new blood thinner - lots of big bruises and hard knots under the bruise.

Justin came home Sat night/Sunday am. We both have basically slept all week but it's great to have him home. We'll both have sleep poisoning before long.

Huck did fine with his heartworm treatment but is now on 4 weeks of "free run" restriction, so he's not too happy with that. Max pooped in the bed the other night, then laid in it, it must have rolled on the floor, and then Justin stepped in it when he got up after we both shot up out of bed when I petted Max and shreaked after realizing he had something gross and poop like on him. It was hilarious. Later, he (Max, not Justin) threw up on the carpet. I had a good chuckle about preparation for having a pooping/barfing child.
It's hot as hell in Georgia and I'm thankful I'll be big pregnant in the cooler months.
Everything else is so far so good (knock on wood!) and I hope you all are well!


LauraC said...

Oh my gosh, that looks terrible! Hope it isn't too painful!

bb said...

Okay, LauraC stole my comment. I was going to say the same thing. I hope you are doing well.

Julia said...


Glad Justin is home and safe.

Yes, it is tooooo hot here!!!!!

Amy said...

Great to hear everything is going well.

You know I had a little throw-up in the back of my throat with that whole poop thing, right? Gross.

Sorry about the bruises...hope they aren't too painful. Will you have to take that for the rest of the pregnancy?

Barb said...

Glad Justin is home! Your story about Max had me rolling...loads of fun but at least its a form of practice.

Unknown said...

OMG! Those bruises! I remember those and don't ever want to do them again (right now anyways!) It's all worth it though! :)