Saturday, August 1, 2009

2 days and we're even

My count down to baby is rapidly approaching the halfway mark. I was well below 100 "days so far" when I added the ticker to my blog and can remember thinking in May "I can't wait until I get to June" and now we're already in August. That's exactly what I need, for time to fly by.
Now I've got to get past and way beyond the scary 23 week mark (because of what happened last time) - breathe! breathe! It's anxiety producing. I'm trying to decide whether I'm going to do something special/different or just try to let it fade into the night. It also happens to be the same week that Justin leaves to go back to school (I told him yesterday that he was going to have to miss the first week of school but I'm not sure that will fly). My Mom/Sister/Aunt will be here to visit the next week so that will be good. I keep reminding myself that I'm building character throughout all of this!


HeatherV said...

Sending you tons of positive vibes from Florida for monday's u/s and to move past the 23week mark. My transfer was the a anniversay of my d/c and ironically it was the same dr that took life from
my body that was putting it back in. In some strange way it brought me a sense of peace. Let me know the good results!

Dallas said...

I'm all for the "doing something different" plan for the week Justy leaves, so if you choose that one, let me know what you'd like to do. We could sit in your yard and scream at people walking dogs--just one idea.

Julia said...

Keep positive and do something fun.