Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dog love

This is what you call love for your dog - a brand spanking new, first rate dog ramp built by Justin for his beloved and recently more crippled Max dog. It has a gentle slope, small steps to create that gentle slope, outdoor carpet so he won't slide and a guardrail to keep him from falling off.
Now Justin has to figure out putting a dog door at the top of the ramp in a door that has panels in it and could create some complications.
Justin starts school next week and the honeymoon will be over - I'm trying to be in denial about it.
Baby GG is moving like crazy. I've felt a lot of pressure and lot of "stuff" going on, which I assume is growing.
I want to send special shout outs to:
Heather who is waiting a wait of a lifetime, and
Laura who is doing her own waiting/worrying/hoping
Hang in there ladies!!!


dh said...

You guys are awesome!

Barb said...

Sorry to hear that Justin is heading back to school but just think Suzanne and your mom will be there soon!!

Give GG a rub from me.

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