Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well, Rufus II was a no go, because of some health issues. We're striking out everywhere on the dog front.
I'm happy to say that The Foot is healing nicely (but still hurts a lot, where's my percocet?).
All is about the same on the Lupron; I inject 20ccs every morning.
We had a great time this weekend (rafting, mountain biking) - and our guide had a staff infection on (in?) his butt. Nice.
I'm anxious to see what I'm like when I'm all jacked up on estrogen - crazy and deranged or not?
I'm trying to stop drinking beer but . . . also thinking maybe I should drink beer now because I won't be able to in the near future (cross your fingers) - isn't that logical?
Hello to my internet friend, Stephanie, who is pregnant and progressing nicely, kind of my pregnant soul sister. Hang in there, you won't be a barn. Thanks for your support!
A very happy anniversary (today) to Suzanne and Andy who are celebrating 13 years of wedded bliss.
Have a good week!

1 comment:

Diana said...

That foot is disgusting!!! OUCH! Glad you had fun in NM - we did too. Good luck with the foot, new drugs and new injections. I'm sure hoping it works too!