Pictures and text about the baby showers to come . . .
I'm 35 weeks tomorrow. I have a non-stress test Tuesday. Next ultrasound is Monday 11/23. I think she's still breech as my ribs are still killing me. It's crazy to think that I could be delivering in 3 or 4 weeks - wow!
Justin's last final at school is 12/11. He's checking with his professors about alternatives for taking finals because if she's breech, I would deliver at 38 weeks (around 12/7).
We still haven't decided on a middle name and no dresser yet.
A great big THANK YOU to Dallas/Jon for all the great shower photos!!
Now that looks like a party!!! Getting close, Girl! The next couple of weeks will be the longest of your life and the year following that will fly too quickly. Enjoy your last weeks as just you and hubby. You will treasure this time.
Party!!! Looks like a great celebration of a great birth. Come on Marley and TURN!!!
Glad someone finally got you some baby shower photos! Keep telling Marley to turn everyday--maybe she won't be as hard-headed as Justin.
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