Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Countdown . . .

I'm having a baby! It's a little scary to say that like I know it's a sure thing - way in the back of my head is a very small thought that surely something will go wrong, this can't actually be working out the way it's supposed to.
I went to the doctor for a non-stress test today (which looked good) and found out that little Marley Baby has turned head down. Good girl Marley! I was very uncomfortable this weekend and I wonder if that's when she was moving. The Dr. said he'd like to induce after 38 weeks and before 39 weeks - so we scheduled for 12/9. I'll go to the hospital the night of 12/8.
Justin is moving his finals to 12/7 and 12/8. My mom will fly in 12/8.
Justin's Mom has finished the comforter and sheet for the crib - they look GREAT. The comforter is pink with brown polka dots with a trim that's brown with pink polka dots. She made a sheet that's pink with brown polka dots. The striped material for the dust ruffle, that was on back order, finally got shipped last week. I'll take a picture to post as soon as we have a dresser and I can move everything (that goes in the dresser) out of the crib.
We hope to get a dresser this weekend.
I will post shower pictures tomorrow night.


bb said...

Dec 9?!?!? You are getting so close!!!!!!!!!

LauraC said...

Dec 9 is so so so close!!

Amy said...

Wow! That is like 3 weeks away!!!! Can't wait and soooooooo glad Marley decided to turn!

Dallas said...

Marley listened to me telling her to turn upside down. Woo hoo! Remember 12/9 is a good date because adding 12+9=21 which was your original due date. Maybe that's almost as cool as 12/12. Good luck on the dresser search.

HeatherV said...

whoo hoo Marley. You are getting the best early Christmas present ever. It looks like we will be in the Atlanta the 26th/27th. Email me offline if you think meeting up is a possiblity. Not sure if you will have family there for the holiday.

Barb said...

Enjoy the last few weeks...everything will change for the better soon. So happy for all of you.