Monday, November 9, 2009

I should pinch myself

We had some serious baby shower action with a work shower on Friday and a friends/family shower on Saturday. I will post some pictures soon. The showers were awesome - thank you so much to everyone who attended and particularly to all my wonderful friends who put the showers on!!! You gals are awesome!
It is totally surreal that I'm actually having baby showers and that a baby's room is coming together - I never thought I'd be at this place. Wow.

I had an ultrasound this morning and everything looks good - placenta, amniotic fluid, movement and growth. She weighs 5 pounds 7 ounces - 55th percentile. She's currently breech and her head is in my ribs (which explains the pain in my ribs).
I have a non-stress test tomorrow and will see the doctor.


Dallas said...

I am sure that "I will post some pictures soon" translates into "Dallas, give me the pictures!" I am working on that ASAP. There are SO MANY pictures, but don't worry Mama Hunt, you'll get plenty very soon.

bb said...

It's wonderful to celebrate with your friends and family. Enjoy every minute!!!