Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Hysterical Fit

Okay "what had happened was" . . . I went to the doc for my suppression check today, had labwork and ultrasound, then waited a long time for my nurse, asked the receptionist to check on why I hadn't seen the nurse, then the "sub" nurse (probably an LPN, whom I did know) came out and took me back to meet with me. She started saying all kinds of things that didn't make sense for my case - she didn't know what she was talking about. I was growing concerned and before I could ask to see the regular nurse (who was with a consult), she went and got the regular nurse -I was again concerned when she didn't know everything that should have been happening in my case. I was thinking (but didn't say) "What the hell? I'm paying you a lot of money, I expect you to know what's going on in my case!!!" What I did say was "I'm not feeling reassured that you know what you're doing" and started crying and was obviously upset. I was ready to kick some ass! At this point, things became very serious and they buzzed about the room, figuring things out, getting me what I needed, reassuring me everything would be okay, and even hugging me. They also gave me a 600 unit cartridge of Follistim (a bonus!). I've felt very emotional this go around, to be early in the process, assuming it's drug induced, and even my breasts have been sore; I don't know what's different, why I'm more emotional, because it didn't happen the 1st and 2nd times.

It's funny, but if you don't know me, I have a reputation for having some major rants/fits/episodes (in my defense, one time I was taking pain medicine) and can get a little crazy.

So, even though things got off to a rough start, it's all good for now. I'll start shooting up with the good drugs tomorrow - come on eggs . . . cooperate and do your thing!


shiner said...

oh, sorry you had to go through that. I hate it when they dont read the stupid chart. I go off sometimes, too. It's okay. I think it makes you human. Glad you got some free drugs out of it and I hope it all goes well for you this time.

Pegs said...

Glad to hear things are back on track, but sorry for what you had to go through. I do think your hormones are at their peak, so thats a good sign!! That was meant to be a joke, hopefully funny.

Hang in there and good luck.

Jenny said...

You are entitled to hysterical fits along this journey whether they are justified or not. Anyone who doesn't understand that needs to back off! You go, Sandra! I'm rooting for you!

Julia said...

Don't take any crap from anyone. If their not doing what you want tell them. As you did. I wish I could have been there for support.

Glad to here things turned around and you got your answers.