Sunday, July 26, 2009

GG it is

It's official, the baby's nickname will be GG.
I have my 20 week ultrasound week after next.
We've been watching Le Tour de France all month and today I'm feeling a little lost since it's over - wondering what in the heck we're going to do now (since we've been watching it every day for so long). Cycling has been an important part of our lives and the excitement gets in your blood. Years ago I scheduled my tonsillectomy so I could be home to watch the Tour and we went to the Tour (for the 100th anniversary) in 2003.
My Mom and Sister will be here to visit in a month and I'm getting excited about that. My Mom is taking a month long cross country trip with best friend from college and they are visiting friends across the country.
Justin and I have three weeks of honeymoon left until he goes back to school - I always tell him I'm going back to being a single woman and then he reminds me that I'm still married. This will be his last academic year and the year after will be clinical rotations. His school crazily assigns rotation sites (cities) randomly and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will get our town so we can actually live together - he'll find out this fall.
GG and I are doing well. I feel well and I can feel her moving. I'm still just focusing on passing time and doing it day by day.
Hope you all are well!


Julia said...

GG is cute!

I have a bike....with a flat tire. I need to get back on it!!

HeatherV said...

Love that name! Can't wait until you reveal the real one. Our friends are expecting a girl next month and shared the top 3 contenders over dinner this past weekend. Loved all of them, esp the story behind each.

Barb said...

Missing the Tour too. I don't think the girls are though!

Love the nickname!

I haven't talked to Suzanne lately, glad she is getting to come visit along with your mom.