Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Is that baby?

I think I officially felt baby last night and again today. My first pregnancy it felt like a butterfly or moth fluttering; this time it feels like a thump or a ripple. Go baby go!

I've also had my first freak out(s) the last two nights at bedtime, vividly imagining what happened the night I lost my first pregnancy (which started in the middle of the night). I'm not sure why I'm thinking about this now (almost 6 weeks before the time it happened at almost 23 weeks). I wonder if I'm feeling more confident after the good ultrasound last week and now I'm looking to the future? I keep trying to focus on the fact that there's a 99% chance that I won't have another abruption; it's been hard to push the bad thoughts from my mind. I do NOT want to have a pregnancy filled with anxiety and negativity . . . I'm trying to think happy thoughts.

1 comment:

Julia said...

She's getting ready to CHEER her way into this world.