Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Goodbye dear belly ring

The doc's office told me today to take my belly ring out - boo hoo.

Before I left work, there was a good smell coming from the kitchen on the floor below. I went to the grocery store/Publix to get a prescription filled (from my favorite pharmacist, Sara - Hi Sara!) and Jennifer texted from work to say the good smell was fried chicken. So I thought "ooh-ooh-ooh" I'll get a fried chicken leg from the deli, which I did, and it cost $.02! How is that possible? I kept asking the clerk "are you sure?" I haven't had fried chicken in like a million years - it was good. Then I went home, put my work out clothes on to walk on the treadmill and got a little depressed about feeling like a big fat cow - but then I had to kick myself in the ass for thinking like that.

When I got home, the dogs were inside because it was raining outside. I came in, was throwing away some things at the trash can in the kitchen, turned around and bam there were three poop nuggets on the floor (spread out) right behind me. So, I came in, greeted Max our old, decrepid Basset Hound and he followed me into the kitchen and immediately pooped on the floor. I cleaned it up, scrubbed the floor, sprayed lysol, went into the hallway toward the bathroom and bam more poop on the floor (where I had just come from - Max must have greeted me and then pooped all the way behind me). He's getting me ready for baby poop-ville. Thanks Max!

Justin has decided that Rufus' name is now Rufus-Pierre because he was watching Hells Kitchen (after the assistant Jean Pierre).

One point of clarity, Justin is my favorite pharmacist-to-be and soon enough he will be my favorite pharmacist (but I'll still love Sara)! Go Justy Go!


The Haddock Family said...

thanks for the shout out sandra!

Dallas said...

Jon says that poop nuggets ROCK!