Sunday, August 17, 2008

Big day and irrational thoughts

It's a big day because the honeymoon has officially concluded and Justin went back to Athens today - boo hoo. At least he's getting his 2nd year of pharmacy school under way so we can get it over with.
I've been having crazy, irrational thoughts about in vitro/pregnancy stuff - like 1) I'm going to take the blood thinner again this time, will start it Saturday, but I wonder if I shouldn't because I got pregnant the first time when I wasn't taking it and didn't get pregnant the second time when I was taking it, and 2) the night before my transfer last time (when I didn't get pregnant) we had a great dinner of ribeye and mashed potatos, and I was thinking about what to do the night before the transfer, and my first thought is I better not eat that again. You know the thoughts are crazy but you just can't keep them from creeping into your mind.
Well . . . thanks for traveling with me on my journey . . . I'll keep you posted.


Troy Tarpley said...

I have irrational thoughts too and I'm not taking anything. Maybe I should. At least your smart enough to realize they are irrational. I would ask the doc about that thinner though. Sounds interesting.

Dallas said...

Good luck! I will try not to ask you too many questions. Someone once told me that only sane people feel fear, so I guess you are sane. That's excellent!