Friday, August 1, 2008

Party time!

Ok, just one more - next weekend is party time. The group is riding bicycles from Athens to Macon (104 miles!) Saturday morning then a big end of the summer party - with the tent, good beer, Inglside Village pizza, and the famous shock box (thanks Mom!!). I just hope the young bucks can keep up with the old farts.


Troy Tarpley said...

SHOCK BOXXXXXXXXXXXX! Yeah baby! I'm looking forward to this coming weekend. My legs look like Stephen Hawking's without all the muscle, but I'm gonna give it a "college-try". I've gotta be good for at least 45 miles and a lot of smack talking. On top of that, I plan on explaining to those young'ns how being the lead dog gives them the advantage, because the riding in someone's wake is like punching into a headwind. Soooo, I'll be doing them a favor by riding in the back. hehe

Sandra said...

Troy - I'm glad you are taking the young'ns under your wing and showing them the way. You and your bird legs rock!

Amy said...

I'm just excited to see what this shock box business is all about...oh, and I'm slightly excited about attempting to complete as much of 104 miles as I can...