Thanks to everyone who participated in the bike ride from Athens to Macon - a great century ride. The newbies did great! And thanks to everyone who attended the party afterwards and rocked the night. The shock box, as always, was a big hit (see picture). It was dog mania with Max, Rufus, Duchess, Rupert, Ben, Toby, and Alex - and Rufus was beside himself crazy in love. Thanks to Chris for the live music - you rock!! And thanks to everyone who helped out.
I haven't really noticed anything from the estrogen, so just more of the same and some waiting to get the show on the road.
I can't wait to do it again! The party and the ride!
I'm ready for you to get this show on the road too! I have now stopped having nightmares about wedding disasters and started having dreams about you being all estrogened out (really, i didn't realize it until I started watching an episode of Jon and Kate plus 8 and I started remembering all the crazy dreams I've had about you. Weird.)
I'm glad you didn't post the picture of me trying to get it on with Rufus...that would have been sortof embarrassing :)
I finally remembered to start checking your blog again but had to wait for the internet bug to be fixed.
I love reading your story although it makes me cry--I've been a cry-baby lately. Everything makes me cry. I think I'm having estrogen induced crying spells from YOUR estrogen regimen. Is is contagious?
I'm sending empowering thoughts to Babies Gardner!
I'm glad you love the shock box. I love watching other people enjoy the shock box.
I also had an awesome time! Proven by the 400 pictures that we took! I considered censoring the photos (including the dog-humping) before sending them to you, but decided against it.
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