Saturday, August 23, 2008

What I learned about injectables . . . the hard way

Here's a look at the carnage from this morning. Today was my first day of several new meds. It's a good thing I didn't have to go to work this morning because I would have definitely been late. I was holding my Lupron needle in my mouth while I cleaned the injection site with an alcohol pad and reached up to take the needle out of my mouth - I stabbed my finger and the needle went in on one side and came out the other side. Ouch!
The other picture shows the aftermath of my meds this morning. I wore the pharmacy out.


Mama Hunt said...

I wish I'd been there to see that action! I know I would have freaked out! Next time, take a picture before you pull out the needle. Ha!

You must have one heck of a list to keep all the meds straight. I have a problem keeping my teeth whitening schedule figured out.

I'm sending strong grandma thoughts for Babies Gardner.

If you need me for anything, call Walgreens. I'll be hanging out at the pharmacy counter looking for the guy buying the extra large condoms. (Sandra can explain.)

Love, Mom

Sandra said...

For those of you who caught "grandma" and "extra large condoms" and are wondering, I will explain in full detail later. So, at least you now know why I am the way I am (thanks Mom!).

Dallas said...

Yeah, I think I need to hear the Walgreens story. I hope that doesn't involve Justin at his Walgreens.

Now you can't say ANYTHING about my medications and pharmacy visits!