Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good to go

I went to my doc in Atlanta today and everything looked good - so we will do the frozen embryo transfer next Thursday. They'll thaw them out starting on Wednesday and will call me Thursday morning to let me know if they made it. If they survived the thaw, then off to Atlanta and we'll put the babies Gardner in and hope like hell they attach.
Saturday I start antibiotics, steroids, blood thinner injections, and progesterone injections (and keep taking the estrogen, aspirin, folic acid, pre-natal vitamins, and lupron injections).
Since Justin's gone at school, Rebecca's agreed to be my shot giver (the one in the hip) - thanks Rebecca! Now I can say you're a real pain in my ass! HA!
Keep your fingers crossed!


Amy said...

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed! (and yes, I can cross my toes and it sortof grosses Troy out...but for you! Anything!)

Dallas said...

Holy crap at all the medicines! You are a good woman to keep all that straight. I would love to see Rebecca giving a shot! Good luck on Thursday--do you want to take a tortuga for good luck?