Thursday, May 8, 2008

1 baby Sandra and 1 baby Justin

The transfer was "text book." This picture shows 2 blastocysts - 1 A+ (on the left), which is about 120+ cells and an AB (on the right), which is about 40-60 cells. So, we wait for them to hatch (in a day or two) and attach to the lining of the uterus.
I still have 6 embryos left and probably 4 of them will be good enough to freeze. They will decide that later today or tomorrow.
We are waiting for my ivf doc and the hematologist to confer and decide what to do about the other issues.
The only other thing is to wait until the pregnancy test. Holy cow how nerve wracking! I'm not going to tell when I'll have the pregnancy test, so you'll just have to be patient for the news.
I forgot to update you on Rufus - he was very sick for 2 days but came home yesterday and is obviously feeling much better. We will keep him in the house for a month (he won't like that) and then he should be all healed.
Thank you so much for all your love, support, good wishes, encouragement, and friendship. Thanks for journeying with me!


Dallas said...

I cannot see the picture! I hope you are laying on your back, so the "babies" can better attach! Glad to hear everything went well in your world today!

Amy said...
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Amy said...

Yah for blastocysts!

Will be keeping my fingers crossed until you break the news :)

Rufus can hang with Barley...she's been diagnosed with psychotic alopecia....nice....