Friday, May 2, 2008

And the winner is . . .

Cynthia! Same amount of follicles as yesterday (13 on the right and 11 on the left) only they are bigger. My ovaries are so full that they are touching/meeting in the middle. Holy cow. My estradiol is 2893 - wow. Amy - I appreciate your confidence in me being able to produce 70.
I got the go ahead this afternoon to "trigger" which means I took a shot of hcg (the pregnancy hormone) at precisely 9pm this evening (with Rebecca and Jennifer in observance) to tell my ovaries to get ready to release the eggs. I have Friday off - no Atlanta, no meds, totally free. I have to be in Atlanta Saturday morning at 7:30am and my retrieval will be at 9am. They will sedate me and take all the eggs out. My doctor is actually on call and will do the procedure. I don't think the procedure will take long. I will start daily progesterone injections (that's the big needle, in the butt muscle) and baby aspirin the day after egg retrieval.
My visit with the hematologist, Dr. Alexander "Sandy" Duncan, at Emory today was absolutely amazing. He was personable, attentive, knowledgeable - quite lovely (he's Scottish, they say lovely, I think). and very refreshing. He ordered a bunch of labwork - 12 vials of blood. If there are concerns, they will put me on a blood thinner while I'm pregnant. I can't tell you everything he said because this is a PG (PG-13?) blog - but he was hilarious talking about baby making.
Justin comes home from school tomorrow for the whole summer. We won't know what to do actually living together all the time. We'll be like newlyweds . . . awww.
So keep your fingers crossed that body parts, nature, technology, human skill and everything else comes together to make some good Gardner embryos!

1 comment:

dh said...

Hey Cuz,
Sorry I missed you this week. It was finals week, so all zookeepers needed to be on hand. Give me a call, so we can plan a rendezvous.