Sunday, May 4, 2008

Better than 50%

Here's the latest stats - 14 of the 20 eggs were mature, 8 of the 14 fertilized. So those 8 embryos are now incubating and hopefully will progress to the 7 or 8 cell stage. They have to be at least 7 or 8 cells to transfer and/or freeze. Transfer will be Tuesday or Thursday. They will look at the embryos Tuesday morning and decide to transfer then (I think most transfers happen at day 3) or to wait until blastocyst stage and transfer on Thursday (day 5).
Justin gave me the first progesterone shot (with the big needle). I could feel it going into the muscle but it was pretty smooth and pain free.
I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your good thoughts and well wishes!


Mama Hunt said...

Sandra and Justin, it's so incredible to think of all those precious microscopic babies underway!

I'm hoping and praying for a wonderfully successful journey.

I love you both,

Dallas said...

I am getting good vibes from those 8 embryos! Grow baby Gardners, grow! Justin, keep doing your thing with the "Miracle Grow" shots.