Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 1 is almost official

Hi everyone! Well it's after midnight so that means my first shot is almost here.

I thought I'd give you some more info about the process. I will take the Lupron until about Monday, April 21. I'll start the stimulation hormone drug (FSH) on about Tuesday, April 22. This is the expensive one. I'll take it morning and evening. My Dr. is increasing my dose from last time. I have a pen that I put the cartridge of medication in and I "dial" my dose. On about Sunday, April 27 I will start going to the Dr.'s office in Atlanta every day. (This will be interesting because Justice and Scott's wild and crazy wedding is the night before and we will have partied hardy to celebrate the blessed event - yippee!). I'll have bloodwork and ultrasounds. One big thing the bloodwork is looking at is my Estradiol level (estrogen). The ulstraounds count how many follicles and measure the size of each. Depending on these results each day, my dose of FSH will increase/decrease/or stay the same. It's a timing symphony, to make sure the follicles and estradiol levels are at peak. Then I take a day off and take a shot of the HCG hormone 36 hours prior to egg retrieval. Then egg retrieval procedure, under light sedation (and no they don't give me Percocet afterwards, darnit). They fertilize everything and incubate the embryos, careful to keep them in a warm/stable environment, they won't be moved at all. A nurse will call me each of these 3 days (while my embryos are cooking) and give me a status report - kind of like an expensive babysitter. Next, comes embryo transfer 3 days later. We'll decide how many embryos to transfer (or "put back"). Then I go home and do the hardest part ever, wait.
I don't think I'm going to tell you how many days I'll have to wait before I take the pregnancy test because I'll freak out knowing everyone is waiting to hear the moment I know the news I've been waiting so anxiously for. So, you'll have to be patient and I'll tell you when it's time. Then, assuming I have good news, I'll have to wrap myself around being positively and patiently pregnant (without excessive worry). You can all help me with that!
Whew! I'm tired just talking about all this.
Thanks for joining me on my journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I pray for you and think about you daily! I think you are an amazing person and this is a great idea!