Friday, April 4, 2008

In the beginning

Hello everyone!
Well, here I am, preparing to venture again into the world of In Vitro Fertilization. I'm going to blog my ivf experience.
Being our second round of IVF and after a rough past months, I thought it would be good for me to chronicle my thoughts, feelings, etc. I also thought it would be interesting for people to follow along - to go along for the wild ride.
Ok, so I start Lupron shots on Sunday. I'll take 10 units of Lupron every morning for about 2 weeks. It's injected in the stomach or thigh fat (it won't be difficult to find some) using a small needle (like what you use for insulin). The Lupron sort of shuts down your body's normal reproductive cycle.
I will have a suppression check at my doctor's office in Atlanta on Friday, April 18. That will include ultrasound and bloodwork and if all looks good that's when I plunk down the cash.
I hope that you all will accompany me/us on this journey and enjoy experiencing it with me!


Unknown said...

You are a sexy thing!

Amy said...

Love it! And I'm glad that you're posting dates, that way I can put them in my crackberry and send positive prego vibes your way on those important dates!

And "j", I totally agree! She sure is a sexy thang :)

Becca said...

I have my nurse uniform all ready for you!!!