Monday, April 14, 2008

I went to prison today

Hello good people!
I went to prison today with my coworker, Dallas. But we only stayed about 50 minutes and left. Hey - that's another thing to be thankful for - you're not in prison!
My shot didn't want to go in this morning. It was weird. I had to push the needle in really hard.
I had some weird dreams last night and I remember waking up and thinking I needed to write about them in my blog, but now I can't remember them. Can you remember your dreams?
Ooh-la-la, the goodies for the tricky business at the wedding (hee, hee) came in today. It's great! I can't wait to see how it comes off and post pictures for you to see!
I'm getting ready to listen to's webcast of her series on Eckert Tolle's A New Earth. The topic: Finding out who you really are.
I will go to my Goodbye Too Soon group tomorrow. It's for people who've lost babies. I love going and am sad thinking about not being able to go if I get pregnant. I feel a powerful connection to the people there.
Hope your week is starting off great!

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