Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ovaries aren't ready yet

Happy Saturday! I went to Atlanta yesterday for my suppression check. Result: my ovaries aren't ready for the stimulation (FSH) medicine yet. They did blookwork and an ultrasound. My estradiol (estrogen) was 87 and should be 50 or below. The ultrasound measured the follicles in my ovaries. I still have some small follicles in my ovaries, which is bad because if I start the stim meds then those (old follicles) will get stimulated and we'll have a bad result. So, I have to wait for those follicles to go away, my estradiol to go down - maybe 2-3 more days. Then back to Atlanta for another supression check and if all is well then I'll start the new injections (twice daily). I also had to pay the entire cost (gulp!) - I wrote a big fat check. In the end, the whole process may just be delayed a few days (hopefully, that will be all).
I didn't take a picture because my doctor wasn't there - but I will get a photo of me, my nurse and my doc.
Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Dallas said...

Sorry I haven't commented. I was crazy busy last week too. Knowing that we aren't in prison is great! Here's a crazy dream for you: taking a kid to prison for a session, then there being some sort of confusion and us getting locked in prison! CRAZY!

I am feeling like the weekend did you well and your estrogen is like 44, or something, and you are good-to-go. Remember all good things take time. Perfection doesn't happen overnight. Good things come to those who wait. And more stuff like that.