Sunday, April 13, 2008

What do diarrhea and IVF have in common?

Nothing. But it was funny yesterday when Justin and I were just putting the clean sheets back on our bed and Rufus jumped up and sat down on them - and we noticed a big nasty diarrhea spot wiped from the stuff dripping off his butt. Gross! There would have been a day that I would have been one mad woman about having to rewash the sheets I just took out of the dryer . . . but now I'm just glad my diarrhea dog, his drippy wet butt, my dirty sheets, and I don't live in Iraq! And by the way, this is Rufus' first diarrhea since becoming a Gardner dog a year ago! And . . . Justin made a good point that cleaning Rufus' butt was good practice for diaper duty (an added bonus!).

I don't plan on normally talking about diarrhea on my blog, but I may have to talk about other matters of poo if the constipation rears it's ugly head again during this IVF and hopefully pregnancy process. It's a common problem for pregnancy and with increased progesterone, so I will share the trials and tribulations if it comes to that (in good conscience I don't feel like I could leave anything out!) And it's kind of funny, "Sandra's daily poo report."
I hope your own personal matters of poo are coming out just fine!


Amy said...

Oh I totally forgot about those days and days that you went without a poo...I hope that doesn't happen again!

Dallas said...

Hopefully our water won't get turned off so you can feel free to "take care of business." I am pretty sure I would be pissed if someone crapped on my sheets, though.